Now, I know you can't ACTUALLY be in love with inanimate objects BUT, I'm as close as you can get to in love with everything here:

1. These amazing Kate Spade earrings. Gold? Hot pink? Don't mind if I do. // 2. These perfect bar glasses mix two of my favorite things. Chevron and gold. Of course they're out of stock, but that's the story of my life. // 3. I've been wanting a food processor and while on the hunt I found this little beauty. Isn't she pretty? (she comes in 18 fun colors!) // 4. This adorable idea from Bonjour Balloon. You can send one of these, essentially, balloons in a box for any occasion. What a fun way to put a smile on someones face! // 5. A FLORAL turntable?! Be still my heart. // 6. Instant Cameras are all the rage (yet again) and who could say no to this Fujifilm little cutie?? // 7. A Manhattan while picnicking... why not? I love the idea of having a booze picnic basket. // 8. This bra is amazingness. Unfortunately it's one of those damn pins on pinterest that doesn't actually say where it's from. The one I found said H&M but I couldn't find it there, and my search to find it elsewhere was also fruitless. I guess I will just keep dreaming about it. If someone finds it, help a sister out and let me know! // 9. This gray tufted chair from Target. I don't know why but every time I see it, I fall in love all over again.
Well, that's everything I'm currently loving. What have you been obsessed with lately?
Also, don't forget to check out and enter my giveaway!! We're talking a HUNDRED dollar Target gift card here people! Can't wait to see who wins! Good Luck!
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